Saturday, December 24, 2011

DIY - Dip Dye Hair

You'll Need:

-          hair dye, in any colour you want.
-          2 elastic bands
-          A shirt that can be made dirty
-          A comb
-          A paint brush for hair.
-          A beaker or bowl that can be made dirty
-          Foil (not in picture)
-          blowdryer.

put on the shirt

make a mid section using the comb

Make two equal braids and secure this with an elastic band.
The hair ,that will not be braided (pic. 2) , will be dyed. You can make the amount, of hair left, yourself.

Put a bit of paint into the beaker/bowl and stir it a little.

Start painting your hair by using your fingers or the paintbrush, make sure to put a piece of foil underneath your hair.

Wrap the foil around the dyed hair (do this on both sides ) and set a time watch on 20 minutes.

Blowdry the foil (not to long, it will smell like some thing is on fire, watch out), this will help to make the colour look brighter and it’ll last longer.

After 20 minutes, remover the foil and wash your hair with water.

And tadaa, there you have your dip-dyed hair !

unfortunately Mary couldn't dye her hair, because she had to leave that day to go on vacation. 
Mary, have a save flight, and see you in two weeks! 

By Mary & Charlie


  1. waar kun je die hair dye-verf kopen?

    1. wij hebben hem in Hilversum gekocht, maar je kan ze heel veel rondvinden, anders probeer het even aan je kapper te vragen, succes :)

  2. Bij welke winkel in Hilversum hebben jullie gekocht? Ik woon daar namelijk! xx


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